- They don’t let negativity and drama get the best of them. – Your brain is a radio transmitter. It broadcasts thoughts, directions and vibrations into your life – you get to choose the station it’s tuned to. Emotionally strong people understand this and tune out negativity to make room for positivity. Be wise enough to follow in their footsteps. Walk away from the nonsense around you. Focus on the positives, and soon the negatives will be harder to see.
- They don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves. – Emotionally strong people don’t sit around feeling sorry about their circumstances or how others have treated them. Instead, they take responsibility for their role in life, work on changing what can be changed, and keep in mind that life isn’t always easy or fair. In the end, happiness is not the absence of problems, but simply the ability to deal well with them. So look at what you have, instead of what you have lost. Because it’s not what the world takes away from you that counts; it’s what you do with what you have left.
- They don’t think they need more to be happy. – Emotionally strong people know that happiness is a mindset of appreciation. In other words, happiness doesn’t start when “this, that or the other thing” is resolved. Happiness is what happens now when you appreciate what you have.
- They don’t compare their journey to everyone else’s. – Social comparison is the thief of happiness. Do YOUR best and don’t compare your progress with that of others. They aren’t YOU. We all need our own time to travel our own distance. Emotionally strong people know this is the truth, and they live by it.
- They don’t envy and resent other people’s success. – Emotionally strong people can genuinely appreciate and celebrate other people’s success. They don’t grow envious or feel cheated when others achieve something they are trying to achieve. Instead, they recognize that success comes with hard work, and they are willing to work hard for their own chance at success. True confidence has no room for envy and resentment. When you know you are great, you have no reason to hate.
- They don’t expect everything to be easy.– Emotionally strong people don’t view failures and delays as reasons to give up. Instead, they use failure as an opportunity to grow and improve. They are willing to keep trying until they get it right. Whether they are working on improving their health or getting a new business off the ground, emotionally strong people don’t expect immediate results. Instead, they apply their efforts and skills to the best of their ability and understand that real change takes time.
- They don’t say, “I can’t.” – As Henry Ford put it, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.” Emotionally strong people know this is true. If you really want to do something, you can and you will find a way. If you don’t, you will surely find a long list of excuses. So stop saying “I wish” and start saying “I will.” Turn your “can’ts” into “cans” and your dreams into plans.
- They don’t let fleeting temptations distract them from their dreams. – Don’t let the temptations of today distract you from what you deserve. Stay emotionally strong. Do what you have to do now so you can do what you want to do later.
- They don’t get impatient and settle. – Good things don’t come to those who wait. Good things come to those who are patient… while working hard for what they want most in life. If you know what you want, if you can see it, feel it and move toward it in some small way every single day… it has to happen. Be patient and keep working. That’s what emotionally strong people do.
- They don’t make the same exact mistakes over and over again. – You can’t make the same mistake twice. Because the second time you make it, it’s no longer a mistake, it’s a choice. Emotionally strong people accept responsibility for their behavior and learn from their past mistakes. As a result, they don’t keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. Instead, they grow and move on to better decisions and new lessons.
- They don’t resist change. – Emotionally strong people don’t try to avoid change. Instead, they welcome positive change into their life and are willing to be flexible. They understand that change is inevitable and believe in their abilities to adapt. Change happens for a reason. Roll with it! It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.
- They don’t waste time and energy on things they can’t control. – You won’t hear an emotionally strong person complaining over traffic jams and rainy days. Instead, they focus on what they can control in their lives. And above all, they recognize that sometimes the only thing they can control is their attitude. After all, inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow an uncontrollable event or person to control your emotions.
- They don’t hang on every word other people say about them. – Emotionally strong people listen to their own heart and intuition, not the peanut gallery. So try not to take things other people say about you too personally. What they think and say is a reflection of them, not you. Ultimately, you can’t change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react and who you choose to be around.
- They don’t think everyone is out to get them. – Emotionally strong people choose to see the good in others. Because the truth is, the world is full of good people. Whoever says otherwise hasn’t looked around. So look around. Appreciate them. Connect and smile together. When you choose to see the good in others, you end up finding the good in yourself.
- They don’t worry about pleasing everyone. – Emotionally strong people recognize that they don’t need to please everyone all the time. They’re not afraid to say no or speak up when necessary. They strive to be compassionate and fair, but can handle other people being disappointed if they didn’t perfectly live up to their unfair expectations. The bottom line is, pleasing everyone is impossible. May the bridges you burn light your way.
- They don’t think it’s too late to start over. – Let go of the idea that it’s too late to start over. Remember, it’s always better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb than the top of the one you don’t… even if it means beginning anew. Just because some things didn’t work out as you had expected, or didn’t happen as fast as you thought they would, is no excuse to give up on yourself. Time passes one way or the other. Do what you need to do so that, at the very least, you can look back someday and say, “I gave life my best shot.”
Sunday, June 22, 2014
16 Things Emotionally Strong People Don’t Do
Thursday, June 19, 2014
15 Toxic Thoughts You Need to Drop For a Better Life
- “It’s too late.” – No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you’ve come from, you can always change and become an improved version of yourself. Peace, strength and understanding will come to you when you manage to tune out the noisy judgments of others, in an effort to better hear the soft and steady hum of your own inner strength. And once you hear it, you will realize that it’s not too late to be what you might have been.
- “If only I was stronger, smarter, more attractive, etc.” – The absolute worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself. It’s always better to be true to yourself, and risk incurring the ridicule of others, rather than trying to live a lie, only to incur your own self-contempt. Remember, almost everything that happens to you is a direct reflection of what you believe about yourself. You can’t possibly outperform your level of self-esteem. You can’t draw from yourself more than you think you are worth.
- “What I have to say is not that important.” – Silence makes the inner battle much harder and longer. Speak your truth. Let it out… before it kills you! Honestly, this is one of the saddest things about so many people – their most important thoughts and feelings often go unspoken and barely understood.
- “The less risks I take, the less regrets I will have.” – You miss 100% of the shots you never take. Choices, chances and changes – start making them. You must make a choice to take a chance, or your life will never change. In the end, more so than the mistakes we make along the way, we regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.
- “I need their permission.” – Do your thing. Don’t hesitate and waste all your time with lots of explanations. Most people only hear what they want to hear anyway. Just because someone doesn’t understand your point of view, doesn’t mean a great explanation doesn’t exist.
- “I’ll start tomorrow.” – Many great things can be done in a day if you don’t always make that day tomorrow. Don’t let your fear of making a mistake stop you. A life spent making mistakes is not only more enjoyable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.
- “I just want to be comfortable.” – You will never improve yourself if you cling to what used to be, simply because it’s familiar and comfortable. Great things rarely come from comfort zones. You have to take risks. You will only realize the full potential of your life when you allow the unexpected to happen.
- “Pain should be avoided at all costs.” – The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love, and to be greater than our misfortunes. To hurt is as human as to breathe. There is some kind of a sweet, innocent power in our humanness – in not having to be just happy or just sad – in the nature of being able to be both broken and whole at the very same time.
- “It’s all their fault.” – If you sit around for too long blaming others for the things they did or didn’t do, or know or didn’t know, you’ll remain sitting in one spot until you pass. Placing blame is easy, because it means you don’t have to do anything; you just have to sit around for your entire life. But that’s not living; that’s dying. To accept where you are without blame by seizing the present for what it is – for the opportunities it’s giving you every instant – that’s what injects life into your story and ultimately moves you forward.
- “It’s OK to break a few promises here and there.” – You make commitments to others and yourself all the time. The question is: Do you keep them? If you said you’re going to do something, do it! When you fail to keep a promise, it tells people (including yourself) that you don’t value their time or relationship. Don’t over-promise; under-promise and over-deliver on everything you do. And a few words to the wise: Never make a big decision when you’re angry, and never make a big promise when you’re overjoyed.
- “It’s OK to stretch the truth.” – It’s disheartening to think how many people are shocked by honesty, and how few by deceit. Don’t be one of them. Uphold the truth, always. Those who are easily shocked should be shocked more often. And you should be the one shocking them.
- “If I ignore the dark parts of myself, they will disappear.” – You can’t change what you refuse to confront. So confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with gradual enlightenment and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will eventually allow your angels to sing.
- “There are far too many obstacles.” – There will be moments when troubles enter your life and you can do nothing to avoid them. But know that they are there for a reason. And only when you have overcome them will you understand why they were there. Accept this and keep your head held high. There’s no use in wallowing in negativity. You simply can’t expect victory while planning for defeat.
- “I have failed and lost too much to go on.” – If you have nothing, then you have everything, because you have the freedom to do anything, without the fear of losing something. Confusing? Not really. Think about it. Rock bottom is a solid foundation from which you can rebuild your life the way you always wanted it to be.
- “I just want today to be over already.” – Don’t wish your life away. Experience it. Work at it. Everything you go through grows you. Sometimes you think doing something is a total waste of time, and then it ends up being one of the best things you ever did. Amazing things can and do happen when you least expect them. Let each day be a scavenger hunt in which you must find at least one of these things: a sincere laugh, an act of kindness, a realization, or a lesson that leads you closer to your dreams.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
4 Things You Must Give Up to Move Forward
1. First and foremost, give up the excuses you keep reciting to yourself.
Because all the excuses and explanations in the world won’t do you any good. They won’t add any value to your life or improve the quality of it by even the slightest margin. To fulfill your calling and get where you wish to go in life requires more than just thinking and talking. These feats require focused and sustained action. And the good news is, you’re perfectly capable of taking whatever action is necessary. You just have to choose to actually do it.
No one else can succeed for you on your behalf. The life you live is the life you build for yourself. There are so many possibilities to choose from, and so many opportunities for you to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Now is the moment to actually step forward.
Sooner or later, one way or the other, you will come to realize that it’s not what you lose along the way that counts; it’s what you do with what you still have. When you let go of the past, forgive what needs forgiving, and move forward, you in no way change the past, you change the future.
2. Once you’re over the excuses, give up the idea that you don’t have what it takes.
You do have exactly what it takes. Will it be easy? Absolutely not! Nobody is going to blindside you and hit you as hard as life will. Sometimes life will beat you to the ground, and keep you there if you let it. But it’s not about how hard life can hit you; it’s about how hard you can be hit and continue to move forward. That’s what true strength is. And that’s what winning the game of life is all about. So keep going.
In the end, all the small things make a big difference. Every step is crucial. Life isn’t about a single moment of great triumph and attainment. It’s about the trials and errors that slowly get you there – the blood, the sweat, the tears, and the small, inconsequential things you do on a day-to-day basis. It all matters in the end – every step, every regret, every decision, and every affliction.
The seemingly useless happenings add up to something. The minimum wage job you had in high school. The evenings you spent socializing with coworkers you never see anymore. The hours you spent writing thoughts on a personal blog that no one reads. Contemplations about elaborate future plans that never came to be. All those lonely nights spent reading novels and news columns and comics strips and fashion magazines and questioning your own principles on life and sex and religion and whether or not you’re good enough just the way you are.
All of this has strengthened you. All of this has led you to every success you’ve ever had. All of this has made you who you are today. And all of this proves that you have the strength to deal with the challenges in front of you.
3. Give up focusing on what’s wrong, and start noticing what’s right.
What you see often depends entirely on what you are looking for. Do your best and surrender the rest. When you stay stuck in regret of the life you think you should have had, you end up missing the beauty of what you actual do have. You will have a hard time ever being happy if you aren’t thankful for the good things in your life right now.
And you do not need ideal circumstances to move forward. The happiest and most successful people do not live with a certain set of circumstances, but rather with a certain set of attitudes. Choosing to be positive and grateful for what you have now is going to determine how you’re going to live the rest of your life. So look for something positive about today. Even if you have to look a little harder than usual, it still exists.
So don’t wait until everything is just right; it will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what! Get started now! With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger. Say it out loud: “I am determined to live a happy life no matter what my challenges are! I will turn all my tales of fury into tales of glory! I will turn all of my tales of woe into tales of WOW!” And no matter what happens, just do your best and appreciate what you’re learning. You won’t enjoy your life if you don’t enjoy your challenges.
4. Give up the tendency to get too caught up in other people’s judgments and opinions.
Honestly, the biggest prison you will likely ever live in is your fear of what other people think. You cannot let other people tell you who you are or what you want. You have to decide that for yourself. When you’re making big decisions, remember, what you think of yourself and your life is more important than what people think of you. Don’t let others make you feel guilty for living YOUR life. As long as you’re not hurting anyone else, live it YOUR way.
The key here is to remember that it’s OK to listen to others sometimes, but not at the full expense of your own intuition. Because throughout your lifetime there will be many times when the world gets real quiet and the only thing left is the beat of your own heart. So you’d better learn the sound of it, otherwise you’ll never understand what it’s telling you.
The bottom line is that when you spend too much time concentrating on everyone else’s perception of you, or who everyone else wants you to be, you eventually forget who you truly are. So don’t fear the judgments of others; you know in your heart who you are and what’s true to you. You don’t have to be someone else to impress people. Let these people be impressed by who you really are.
Honestly, what does life matter if you lose yourself along the way? Even your mentors should teach you HOW to think, not WHAT to think. So if someone – anyone – is belittling your truth, it might be time to turn the other way.
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